
The Iberia Parish Clerk of Court is proud to provide access to our records, in person, during normal business hours, and online 24/7 for the following subscription packages.

Clerk Connect:

  • Civil Records: 1/1/1980 - present
  • Criminal Records: 11/30/1959 - present


  • Conveyance Records: 1868 - present
  • Plats: 1868 - present (via historical search)
  • Mortgage Records: 1/1/1959 - present

At this time, our online subscriptions are hosted on 2 different sites, E-ClerksLA and Clerk Connect.  If you pay on one site, you DO NOT have to pay on the other. Once we confirm your payment and the duration of that subscription, we will mirror that subscription time frame in the "other" site. 

If you purchase a subscription in Clerk Connect and also need access to E-ClerksLa, please contact wrobison@iberiaclerk.com and provide your username and the subscription duration you purchased. 

The following subscription sites are available:

Clerk Connect: Criminal and Civil records

E-ClerksLA: for conveyance, mortgage, and marriage records

COTT / E-Search: historical ONLY - Civil, Criminal, and Land / Mortgage Records

Contact Wess Robison at wrobison@iberiaclerk.com with subscription questions. 


Available Subscription Packages
1 year $750 + $1.00/page
30 days $125 + $1.00/page
1 day $20 + $1.00/page

Call or come by and see us!

The Iberia Parish Clerk of Court Office is ready to serve you today. Our staff stands ready to assist all in need of these services in a competent and professional manner.
300 Iberia Street
Suite 100
New Iberia, LA 70560
Get Directions

Monday - Friday
8:30 AM - 4:30 PM

Get in Touch

Fill out my online form.

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Contact the Louisiana Auditor Hotline if you suspect theft, fraud, waste or abuse of public funds by anyone.